Andrew has asked Cian if anything has changed for him since his friend (and unrequited love) Byron died two years ago.
“…I don’t cry anymore. I don’t know when or how. It just stopped.”
What’s changed?
I don’t cry anymore.
At first, right after he died, I used to cry spontaneously. Anything could make me cry. Then the whole cause and effect thing got short-circuited. I couldn’t feel it coming anymore. Nothing caused it. I wouldn’t even notice I was doing it at first. Then my view would get all watery or I’d hear the sound as a drop hit the book I was reading or I’d see ripples in the sink as I was doing the dishes. But I don’t cry anymore. I don’t know when or how. It just stopped.
(photo: 1997-1998 production by The Subterranean Theatre Company (Los Angeles, CA); Doug Sutherland as Cian [arm belongs to Mark Vanslow as Byron])
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