Isobel is out shopping at the local mall with her new friend Diana. The young women met both in church and college classes they share, and have bonded over their shared religion. While shopping for shoes, Isobel and Diana have struck up an animated conversation. This speech of Isobel’s is part of that spirited banter.
(The longer scene this monologue is part of is also available for viewing, tagged with the pull quote “That’s what you go by – “what feels right”? Feels right on the outside or the inside? What works for the skin isn’t always good for the heart or the head.”)
“When did I suddenly become everyone’s intolerant, humorless, half-witted Sunday School teacher?”
Could somebody please explain to me why religion is so embarrassing? I mean, after a certain age, as soon as you’re considered old enough to be able to make your own decisions, when you’re no longer supposed to allow your mother to hug you in front of witnesses unless it’s under protest, suddenly, if you still go to church, willingly, if you still believe in any type of God, any kind of tradition, you must be simple-minded. You’re obviously not using your whole brain, you’re not skeptical or questioning enough to be considered an adult, or at least not an interesting one. When did I suddenly become everyone’s intolerant, humorless, half-witted Sunday School teacher? I didn’t sign up for that.
(photo: from the poster photo shoot for the 2001 production by Allegheny College (Meadville, PA); l-r, Gretchen Watson (Isobel) and Chris Johnson (Linc, wearing the dog head))
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