Tag: Female
I Met A Guy (Studpuppy)
THE SET UP Linc and Isobel, two college students in their late teens/early twenties, have known one another since high school. Linc is openly gay. Isobel knows this, but is still carrying a torch for him, though she’d be the first to deny it. Linc has recently broken up with his unfaithful first long-term boyfriend…
4-Way Crush (Studpuppy)
THE SET UP This is the first appearance of these characters in the play. They are all in their late teens/early twenties and have just started college. They have all gone shopping together as a supposedly neutral and safe activity, but Linc and Isobel are at it again. Linc is openly gay. Isobel knows this,…
Hiding Behind Me (Studpuppy)
THE SET UP Diana is a closeted lesbian who has not yet come out to her friend Isobel, a girl whom she met both in church and college classes they share, and on whom Diana harbors a crush. Diana finds it hard to watch Isobel relate to her high-school friend Linc. Linc is openly gay. …
What Works for the Skin (Studpuppy)
THE SET UP Diana is a closeted lesbian who has not yet come out to her friend Isobel, a girl whom she met both in church and college classes they share, and on whom Diana harbors a crush. Diana finds it hard to watch Isobel relate to her high-school friend Linc. Linc is openly gay. …
Sunday School Teacher (Studpuppy)
THE SET UP Isobel is out shopping at the local mall with her new friend Diana. The young women met both in church and college classes they share, and have bonded over their shared religion. While shopping for shoes, Isobel and Diana have struck up an animated conversation. This speech of Isobel’s is part of…
God Let Him Die (Heaven & Home)
THE SETUP Vincent’s best friend Byron died almost two years ago, but Vincent is still haunted by memories of his helplessness in the face of Byron’s illness, and personally adrift without his childhood friend to speak with anymore. While Vincent’s gay brother Cian is haunted by Byron’s ghost, still his unrequited love, Vincent is left…
Sex with Vince Report (Heaven & Home)
THE SETUP Gabby is the long-term girlfriend of Byron’s childhood best friend Vincent, on whom Byron has always had a hopeless crush. Gabby holds a vigil at the hospital bed of her friend Byron, unconscious, and likely dying. But between the two of them, they manage to conjure up a better time, when Gabby and…
A Place Called Providence (Heaven & Home)
THE SETUP Byron, unconscious, is laid up in a hospital bed, probably for the last time. Vincent, Byron’s best friend, and Gabby, Vincent’s long-term girlfriend and another good friend of Byron’s, have come to visit. Gabby still holds onto her faith, while Vincent grows more and more estranged from religion, convinced that God is allowing…
Wishing on a Plane (Heaven & Home)
THE SETUP Byron, unconscious, is laid up in a hospital bed, probably for the last time (though a flashback will along us to glimpse his old self shortly). Vincent, Byron’s best friend, and Gabby, Vincent’s long-term girlfriend and another good friend of Byron’s, have come to visit. Gabby still holds onto her faith, while Vincent…
A Place Without Pain (Heaven & Home)
THE SETUP Byron, still moving under his own steam, but aware his health is failing, has come to visit Gabby at the bar where she works to ask for a favor. Gabby is the long-term girlfriend of Vincent, Byron’s best friend, and also a friend to Vincent’s younger brother Cian. “Women are weak and clingy…